Introduction to Ski Tuning
Ski tuning is an important aspect of ski racing. Although it may look intimidating at first, it is pretty simple once you learn. There are many resources available to assist you. These bullets below will point you in the right direction.
* Talk to other parents whose athletes are older. These parents have been where you are at and are more than willing to help out and give advice. They can save you money by recommending tools.
* Using the same equipment as other members gives you instant resources on how to use the equipment and tricks to make it easier.
* Speak to your athletes coach.
* Camps are are great opportunity for your athletes to learn. Coaches, chaperones and the senior athletes are more than happy to teach.
* YOUTUBE - all tuning equipment companies and enthusiastic parents have videos on how to tune. Some examples are shown below.
Video Series 1
Video Series 2
Video Series 3
Video Series 4