Nancy Greene

About Nancy Greene
Do you have a little speedster who is seeking something more than traditional ski lessons? Are you interested in having your child spend more time on snow, learning a range of skiing skills? Are you tired of yelling 'Slow down!' as your child takes off? Then perhaps the Nancy Greene program is for you!
The Nancy Greene program is designed to develop young ski racers in a non-competitive environment.
Vorlage offers a 1 day Nancy Greene program
"A child must learn to walk before learning to run. Skiing skill development must follow the same sequence, with basic skiing technique being mastered, allowing young skiers to master steeper slopes and more difficult snow conditions, before serious ski racing begins. The challenge of speed, the essence of ski racing, must come in a “run for fun,’ not “run to win’ situation. Formal competition too early in the development of skills may stifle a child’s natural delight in racing before they can develop their full potential." - Nancy Greene Raines
Useful Information for NG Parents
Included in One Day Program Fees:
- Start: 1st week of January
- End: Mid-March
- Training on Saturday
- Typical Day: 9:30AM - 11:30AM, Lunch, 12:30PM - 3:00PM
- OSZ Registration Fees
Required Ski Ability and Equipment
- Skis - General Ski, Slalom or Giant Slalom
- Poles (No hand guards)
- Hard Ear FIS Approved Helmet - no stickers or mounts
- Must be able to ski down a green or blue run without being held
- Athletes must be able to get on / off chairlifts unassisted
- Age: 6 to 11 years old as of December 31 of the current race season
- Parents are expected to stay at the hill during program hours in case of emergency, or designate another adult to be responsible for their child at the ski hill.